Yesterday, I had a lovely day. An early visit to my sister’s in the morning was spent drinking a fresh pot of Harrods English Breakfast Tea, which I bought in London, and then a 3 hour long coffee catch up with Bird took me into the afternoon.
The weather in town was lovely, while we were chatting away over iced coffee, the tin on the roof started to tinker, and we looked out through the vertical stretching windows to see it pelting down outside. Without an umbrella or anything to shield us, we casually walked to our cars, collecting every drop of rain, while sending my hair into a fabulous frizz.
While drying myself with the heater in the car, I went to visit Jake, who was held up in bed sick, so I came home with an hour or so to myself before my pool date with my sister and her three boys, Oskar, Archie & Henry. I decided to have a mini bake-off.
After our trip to New York, Popcorn and I had grown accustom to eating copious amounts of marvellous Magnolia Bakery cupcakes, so a craving for a sugary delight was heightened by all my tea drinking as of late. Out came the mixing bowl, and my brand new patty-cake papers, and voila – cupcakes for an afternoon at the pool.
The bake-off didn’t stop there! I made my favourite spinach pie for dinner and Jake and I sat around eating pie followed by cupcakes and watching Never Been Kissed – his choice of course, he does love a good ol’ fashioned chick flick.